Bugs Bunny Club

Bugs Bunny Logo courtesy Bryan Clark.

The "Bugs Bunny Club" was developed by former Augusta Department of Public Safety (ADPS) Director Steve Shaffer in 1975. On April 10, 1975, the first "Bugs Bunny Club" was held at the Augusta Historical Theater, located on State Street. The purpose of the club was stated as "encouraging young people to get involved in what the police department is doing."  More than thirty-years later, the club is still going strong!

The "Bugs Bunny Club" is held on four Saturday mornings, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., normally during the month of March. During the experience, community youth watch movies, win prizes, and compete in contests such as jump rope and hoola hoop. Special guests are always in appearance and include McGruff, the Crime Fighting dog; Bugs Bunny; and Smokey the Bear. Officers are deeply involved in every aspect of the club, including running the film projector. Each Saturday has a theme, for example one weekend might be fire safety during which the Fire Division brings a fire engine down and talks to the youth about what they can do to get out of their house should it catch on fire, while the next Saturday may feature a visit from the departments police dog.

Local citizens and businesses donate all the prizes, and the Augusta Optimist Club sponsors the event. During the final Saturday of the club, bicycles are given away to youth holding the chosen ticket.

The event is truly fun for all ages and parents are encouraged to attend with their children.